It has been almost 2 months since I quit my job at the Weed Patch. Never in my life did I ever think that I'd say those words "I quit my job"-but I certainly did. The Weed Patch had been my passion for over 20 years. The last couple of years had been incredibly difficult for me there-emotionally, physically, you name it. I'm not going to go into the exact reasons I quit, but trust me, they were valid.
I have spent a great deal of time thinking the past couple of months and what I have figured out, is that working at the Patch,basically sucked the life right out of me. That may sound strange, but it's true. When I wasn't physically at the Patch, I was thinking about the Patch-what displays to do, what to order,etc..I was seasonally very busy there-and this is the time of year when my looooong hours would start and then go until the end of the year. This will be the 1st time in over 20 years that I won't be working during the holidays. I'm excited about being able to decorate my OWN home and not feel rushed. I'm excited about being able to actually ENJOY the holidays because I won't be physically and mentally exhausted.
The other day I went to lunch with a couple of dear friends and they said how rested and happy I looked. They said that The Weed Patch obviously caused me more stress than I even imagined-(these are also the friends who convinced me that quitting was the RIGHT thing to do...they were so right and I thank them for nudging me over the cliff!!!) I thought I'd miss the store every day...guess what? haven't at all..weird huh?
What have I been doing since leaving the Patch? I've had a life! I have started taking better care of myself... I've started exercising...I've started losing weight...I've spent time with my grandkids...I've spent time with my husband :-)..I've spent time in my own Bible study...I've stopped watching TV constantly...I've re-connected with old friends...I'm learning how to use the new computer my hubby gave me for our anniversary...I'm going to volunteer in our church office...I'm on facebook...AND I've started this here blog-but best of all, I'm incredibly HAPPY!!! It was best said by my lovely eldest daughter who was commenting on ALL the CHANGES I've made since I quit-"hey Dad, where'd you bury Mom-cuz this just isn't her!" I'm looking forward to seeing what the future holds ...stay tuned.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
See-saw Sunday
Yep, that's exactly how today felt. I was up and down the whole day-emotionally that is... Church this morning was really good even though Dean was gone and Josh didn't lead worship...truthfully, I wasn't really excited about going today. As a wise young man told me once-those days when you don't feel like going, are the days you NEED to be there...and he was so right! The message on film by Pastor Andy Stanley was spot on and so applicable to my life right now. I enjoyed him so much that I listened to 2 more of his sermons tonight. I have a feeling that I'll be listening to his sermons on a regular basis .
After church we went to Applebees as I had a huge craving for their California shrimp/avacado salad-Al tried it too and he likes it as much as I do. It may be our new favorite place to go since all of our other favs have closed...
Had plans to do all sorts of things today and didn't really get much done..spent time reflecting on last Sunday and all that has happened since..I managed to sneak in a very little nap, but a nap none the less. Spent time doing Bella repair-she likes to move things all over the house. Went to put a new quilt on my table and realized that it was one I bought the last time I saw Jolyn in June-ya, major meltdown happened. I need to expect that those meltdowns will occur and just go with them when they do.
Al helped a lot today-he cleaned windows I can't reach and he did a couple loads of laundry. I will have to re-do the laundry once he leaves for work tomorrow...I had done a tiny load the other day and didn't re-set the load size-oops! He doesn't know that the large loads he did were done with the small size load setting-I'm just guessing that they're not very clean. If I tell him, he'll be DONE doing for now, it's our little secret-OK?? I don't intend to ruin a good thing!
That's my sunday folks-the next time I want to feel like I'm on a see-saw, I want it to be at a playground with the little kiddos...! They all laughed when they saw me swinging last week-just WAIT till they see me on a see-saw!!!
After church we went to Applebees as I had a huge craving for their California shrimp/avacado salad-Al tried it too and he likes it as much as I do. It may be our new favorite place to go since all of our other favs have closed...
Had plans to do all sorts of things today and didn't really get much done..spent time reflecting on last Sunday and all that has happened since..I managed to sneak in a very little nap, but a nap none the less. Spent time doing Bella repair-she likes to move things all over the house. Went to put a new quilt on my table and realized that it was one I bought the last time I saw Jolyn in June-ya, major meltdown happened. I need to expect that those meltdowns will occur and just go with them when they do.
Al helped a lot today-he cleaned windows I can't reach and he did a couple loads of laundry. I will have to re-do the laundry once he leaves for work tomorrow...I had done a tiny load the other day and didn't re-set the load size-oops! He doesn't know that the large loads he did were done with the small size load setting-I'm just guessing that they're not very clean. If I tell him, he'll be DONE doing for now, it's our little secret-OK?? I don't intend to ruin a good thing!
That's my sunday folks-the next time I want to feel like I'm on a see-saw, I want it to be at a playground with the little kiddos...! They all laughed when they saw me swinging last week-just WAIT till they see me on a see-saw!!!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
A Fitting Tribute
Today was the day of my cousin Jolyn's memorial service. I had been dreading this day for the whole week. Turns out it was nothing to dread-it was beautiful.
The pastor did an amazing job in his message. What I liked most about what he said was that he didn't need to do a gospel presentation because if you knew Jolyn..well, you KNEW. That is how she lived her life..she had her priorities in the correct places and she lived her life to please God. I wish I had my life as together as she had hers. I'm working on it but sometimes it just doesn't seem to go as I wished it would...
Her sons, Justin and Drew, did the eulogy and were incredible. I know there wasn't a dry eye in the whole church by the time they were through. It was a wonderful tribute to a wonderful woman. Jolyn would've been so proud of both of them. She always was proud of them-no matter what they did. They have both turned into fine men of God.
It was comforting to talk to so many of her friends today and hear great stories about Jonie. The slide presentations they put together were wonderful and brought back so many memories. I especially enjoyed the one that was just all about Christmas-Jolyn and I both shared a love of the day our Saviour was born. I learned today too, that we share the same favorite flower-pink carnations...
I know that Jolyn loved the service today, she just had a different view...and oh by the way God, you better hope that there's chocolate in heaven...!!!
The pastor did an amazing job in his message. What I liked most about what he said was that he didn't need to do a gospel presentation because if you knew Jolyn..well, you KNEW. That is how she lived her life..she had her priorities in the correct places and she lived her life to please God. I wish I had my life as together as she had hers. I'm working on it but sometimes it just doesn't seem to go as I wished it would...
Her sons, Justin and Drew, did the eulogy and were incredible. I know there wasn't a dry eye in the whole church by the time they were through. It was a wonderful tribute to a wonderful woman. Jolyn would've been so proud of both of them. She always was proud of them-no matter what they did. They have both turned into fine men of God.
It was comforting to talk to so many of her friends today and hear great stories about Jonie. The slide presentations they put together were wonderful and brought back so many memories. I especially enjoyed the one that was just all about Christmas-Jolyn and I both shared a love of the day our Saviour was born. I learned today too, that we share the same favorite flower-pink carnations...
I know that Jolyn loved the service today, she just had a different view...and oh by the way God, you better hope that there's chocolate in heaven...!!!
Friday, August 28, 2009
The Girlies
I spent today watching Madyson and Bella while Bree went to Belfair to do a job. Bella was excited to see me, Mady-not so much. I think she's a little stressed over Mommy working so much this week. Once Bree left, Mady was fine and just wanted to be all over Jammy. Got lots of hugs and kisses as we spent time singing songs together. How many times can you sing the same song? As many times as Mady wants!
It's interesting to see how miss Bella's personality is shaping up-she knows what she wants and doesn't hesitate to let you know if she's not getting it-she uses the highest pitch scream I've ever heard!! She isn't one bit afraid of her sister either-she takes after her like SHE'S the big sister.
We saw a garbage truck go by and Mady said "I don't wike Bewa-lets throw her in the garbage"! We had a little chat about how that wasn't very nice..don't think it sunk in at all.
Poor Bella had her fingers shut in the bathroom door, her head hit by the same door, and had a toy fall and hit her eye..not a good day for her.
Tonya came over with the boys to play and have lunch-they all did pretty well. It was time for her to go when the noise level in the playroom reached an unbearable level-they were all ringing bells while taking turns riding the horse and whipping it with a drumstick-Jammy couldn't take it anymore! They left and the girlies took naps and Jammy took a long break!! I truly believe that there's a reason you should have your children when you're's exhausting to say the least and you don't have the energy you once did. That's what's great about being a get to play with 'em, love 'em and hug 'em and then you get to leave at the end of the day!
It's interesting to see how miss Bella's personality is shaping up-she knows what she wants and doesn't hesitate to let you know if she's not getting it-she uses the highest pitch scream I've ever heard!! She isn't one bit afraid of her sister either-she takes after her like SHE'S the big sister.
We saw a garbage truck go by and Mady said "I don't wike Bewa-lets throw her in the garbage"! We had a little chat about how that wasn't very nice..don't think it sunk in at all.
Poor Bella had her fingers shut in the bathroom door, her head hit by the same door, and had a toy fall and hit her eye..not a good day for her.
Tonya came over with the boys to play and have lunch-they all did pretty well. It was time for her to go when the noise level in the playroom reached an unbearable level-they were all ringing bells while taking turns riding the horse and whipping it with a drumstick-Jammy couldn't take it anymore! They left and the girlies took naps and Jammy took a long break!! I truly believe that there's a reason you should have your children when you're's exhausting to say the least and you don't have the energy you once did. That's what's great about being a get to play with 'em, love 'em and hug 'em and then you get to leave at the end of the day!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
My Cousin Jolyn
My heart is very heavy this week. My beautiful cousin, Jolyn, was killed in a tragic motorcycle accident on Sunday. I have spent the week asking God why and trying to process and make sense of this...there are no answers. I do know that God is in control and he can somehow make something good out of this horrible situation. I also know that someday I will see Jolyn again and I take great comfort in that.
Jolyn was more than just my cousin-she was my friend. I loved every single minute that we ever spent together. She was a wonderful wife, mother, and grandmother who loved God with her whole heart. We always had such fun when we were together. We loved to go "country" shopping together..lunches..talking for hours...laughing together. I remember times we laughed so hard together that we got headaches...and then we laughed even harder! I will miss her infectious laugh.
She also loved to decorate her home like I do-well, actually, NOT like I do..she'd always give me a hard time about how much "stuff" I had. She was very talented in so many ways. I used to hate going out with her shopping because if I found something I wanted to buy, she'd say "you could make that Barbara Jane". So I'd leave without buying it and then I didn't MAKE it either!
She would see something in a store and then go home and do it herself-I loved that about her.
The world lost an amazing woman on Sunday and I lost my cousin and my friend. I love you Jolyn and I will miss you every day for the rest of my life.
Jolyn was more than just my cousin-she was my friend. I loved every single minute that we ever spent together. She was a wonderful wife, mother, and grandmother who loved God with her whole heart. We always had such fun when we were together. We loved to go "country" shopping together..lunches..talking for hours...laughing together. I remember times we laughed so hard together that we got headaches...and then we laughed even harder! I will miss her infectious laugh.
She also loved to decorate her home like I do-well, actually, NOT like I do..she'd always give me a hard time about how much "stuff" I had. She was very talented in so many ways. I used to hate going out with her shopping because if I found something I wanted to buy, she'd say "you could make that Barbara Jane". So I'd leave without buying it and then I didn't MAKE it either!
She would see something in a store and then go home and do it herself-I loved that about her.
The world lost an amazing woman on Sunday and I lost my cousin and my friend. I love you Jolyn and I will miss you every day for the rest of my life.
The official first post!
Welcome to the official first post of my blog..never in a million years did I think that I would be doing a blog. However, I have learned to never say never! I have been making so many changes in my life lately, that this just seemed to be the time to start something entirely new.
I titled my blog Jammy's Journal as I assume that most of my blogging will involve my grandchildren in some way, shape, or form! Shaney Boy started calling my "Jammy" instead of Grammy and it's stuck...I love it..there aren't any other "Jammy's" out there that I have heard of.
I'm looking forward to doing this-I love to read other blogs and I'm excited to see how this new little venture for me will turn out...Stay tuned folks!
I titled my blog Jammy's Journal as I assume that most of my blogging will involve my grandchildren in some way, shape, or form! Shaney Boy started calling my "Jammy" instead of Grammy and it's stuck...I love it..there aren't any other "Jammy's" out there that I have heard of.
I'm looking forward to doing this-I love to read other blogs and I'm excited to see how this new little venture for me will turn out...Stay tuned folks!
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