Thursday, September 3, 2009


I have been in a reflective mood lately...Isn't it funny how this life we have works? Last night we had dear friends over for dinner and had a wonderful time. We didn't know these friends 4 years ago, and now, just couldn't imagine our life without them in it. We have a whole GROUP of friends that we didn't know 4 years ago, and can't imagine them not being in our life now.! Four years-a blip on the radar screen of life, but for me , the past 4 years have seemed like a lifetime...that's how long you would usually think it would take to make the friends we have made. Our common thread is that we have all met through our church, Pathways. We have gone to several churches over the years, and have never been as connected as we have been since coming to Pathways. The friendships we have made have been such blessings. We have shared our lives with each other, we've laughed together, we've even cried together. I am looking forward to seeing all of these relationships grow and am looking forward to the NEW friends we have yet to meet...


  1. Well I guess it's a good thing you listened to your daughter and came to church!!!! Even better that you came back after the running through the tree's to Jesus worship man!!!!

  2. You are so funny my dear-AND smart! Yes, I am very thankful that I did listen to can be right-sometimes!!!LOL Ya, the runnin through the woods naked guy scared me to death!!!
