Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hives....uff dah

I am a very frustrated woman right about now. I am having a hard time understanding how we have come so far with medical science in the year 2009 and yet they still don't have a way to diagnose WHY I am covered in hives for going on Day 5. You would think it would be an easy thing to do-they're just itchy red bumps ALL OVER ME!! Isn't there a blood test for goodness sake? Apparently not, as the Dr. told me on Monday-"well, it's an allergic reaction to something"! Duh!! I knew that before I even went in to see him. He gave me a bunch of medication and by the end of the day, they were all gone. Great, case such luck! They came back again on Tuesday and I called the Dr. again and they called in 2 more prescriptions. So now I'm taking 6 different meds and the stinking hives have not gone away at all. I am itching like crazy and frustrated beyond belief. I have racked my brain and I haven't done or ate anything different...what the heck? I have another apt. with the Dr on Tuesday and I hope that we do NOT have to talk about hives! I have heard from so many people who have suffered from them and not a one said that they ever figured out what was CAUSING them...lovely, just lovely. Thanks for letting me vent!!! I need to go now, I'm on the hunt for body-sized pieces of sand paper....

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