Monday, August 31, 2009

Bye bye Weed Patch

It has been almost 2 months since I quit my job at the Weed Patch. Never in my life did I ever think that I'd say those words "I quit my job"-but I certainly did. The Weed Patch had been my passion for over 20 years. The last couple of years had been incredibly difficult for me there-emotionally, physically, you name it. I'm not going to go into the exact reasons I quit, but trust me, they were valid.

I have spent a great deal of time thinking the past couple of months and what I have figured out, is that working at the Patch,basically sucked the life right out of me. That may sound strange, but it's true. When I wasn't physically at the Patch, I was thinking about the Patch-what displays to do, what to order,etc..I was seasonally very busy there-and this is the time of year when my looooong hours would start and then go until the end of the year. This will be the 1st time in over 20 years that I won't be working during the holidays. I'm excited about being able to decorate my OWN home and not feel rushed. I'm excited about being able to actually ENJOY the holidays because I won't be physically and mentally exhausted.

The other day I went to lunch with a couple of dear friends and they said how rested and happy I looked. They said that The Weed Patch obviously caused me more stress than I even imagined-(these are also the friends who convinced me that quitting was the RIGHT thing to do...they were so right and I thank them for nudging me over the cliff!!!) I thought I'd miss the store every day...guess what? haven't at all..weird huh?

What have I been doing since leaving the Patch? I've had a life! I have started taking better care of myself... I've started exercising...I've started losing weight...I've spent time with my grandkids...I've spent time with my husband :-)..I've spent time in my own Bible study...I've stopped watching TV constantly...I've re-connected with old friends...I'm learning how to use the new computer my hubby gave me for our anniversary...I'm going to volunteer in our church office...I'm on facebook...AND I've started this here blog-but best of all, I'm incredibly HAPPY!!! It was best said by my lovely eldest daughter who was commenting on ALL the CHANGES I've made since I quit-"hey Dad, where'd you bury Mom-cuz this just isn't her!" I'm looking forward to seeing what the future holds ...stay tuned.

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