Sunday, August 30, 2009

See-saw Sunday

Yep, that's exactly how today felt. I was up and down the whole day-emotionally that is... Church this morning was really good even though Dean was gone and Josh didn't lead worship...truthfully, I wasn't really excited about going today. As a wise young man told me once-those days when you don't feel like going, are the days you NEED to be there...and he was so right! The message on film by Pastor Andy Stanley was spot on and so applicable to my life right now. I enjoyed him so much that I listened to 2 more of his sermons tonight. I have a feeling that I'll be listening to his sermons on a regular basis .

After church we went to Applebees as I had a huge craving for their California shrimp/avacado salad-Al tried it too and he likes it as much as I do. It may be our new favorite place to go since all of our other favs have closed...

Had plans to do all sorts of things today and didn't really get much done..spent time reflecting on last Sunday and all that has happened since..I managed to sneak in a very little nap, but a nap none the less. Spent time doing Bella repair-she likes to move things all over the house. Went to put a new quilt on my table and realized that it was one I bought the last time I saw Jolyn in June-ya, major meltdown happened. I need to expect that those meltdowns will occur and just go with them when they do.

Al helped a lot today-he cleaned windows I can't reach and he did a couple loads of laundry. I will have to re-do the laundry once he leaves for work tomorrow...I had done a tiny load the other day and didn't re-set the load size-oops! He doesn't know that the large loads he did were done with the small size load setting-I'm just guessing that they're not very clean. If I tell him, he'll be DONE doing for now, it's our little secret-OK?? I don't intend to ruin a good thing!

That's my sunday folks-the next time I want to feel like I'm on a see-saw, I want it to be at a playground with the little kiddos...! They all laughed when they saw me swinging last week-just WAIT till they see me on a see-saw!!!

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