Friday, August 28, 2009

The Girlies

I spent today watching Madyson and Bella while Bree went to Belfair to do a job. Bella was excited to see me, Mady-not so much. I think she's a little stressed over Mommy working so much this week. Once Bree left, Mady was fine and just wanted to be all over Jammy. Got lots of hugs and kisses as we spent time singing songs together. How many times can you sing the same song? As many times as Mady wants!

It's interesting to see how miss Bella's personality is shaping up-she knows what she wants and doesn't hesitate to let you know if she's not getting it-she uses the highest pitch scream I've ever heard!! She isn't one bit afraid of her sister either-she takes after her like SHE'S the big sister.

We saw a garbage truck go by and Mady said "I don't wike Bewa-lets throw her in the garbage"! We had a little chat about how that wasn't very nice..don't think it sunk in at all.

Poor Bella had her fingers shut in the bathroom door, her head hit by the same door, and had a toy fall and hit her eye..not a good day for her.

Tonya came over with the boys to play and have lunch-they all did pretty well. It was time for her to go when the noise level in the playroom reached an unbearable level-they were all ringing bells while taking turns riding the horse and whipping it with a drumstick-Jammy couldn't take it anymore! They left and the girlies took naps and Jammy took a long break!! I truly believe that there's a reason you should have your children when you're's exhausting to say the least and you don't have the energy you once did. That's what's great about being a get to play with 'em, love 'em and hug 'em and then you get to leave at the end of the day!

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